Click below to sign up for more information about my upcoming Tuscany Retreat! 

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Can I tell you a secret? MUCH OF MY OWN HEALING & spiritual growth has been done in immersive settings with other women.

There is so much to be said and such magic and expansion that happens when you connect with a supportive group of like-minded women and utilize life-changing modalities on a retreat for a full week of self-care.

For myself, it helped me awaken and open up my heart and provided space to expand my consciousness.

The setting and locations for my up coming retreats will be released in a few months and can’t wait to share. I will say one will be in May 2024 in Italy and another in October in the North of Portugal. I won’t say more. Stay tuned. If you want first insights before they are released to public please ensure to reach out and leave your email. 

You can expect to experience peace on a level you never have before. In the most beautiful of settings. You will encounter growth on a new scale no matter where you are in your journey.

The best gift you can give to yourself is the permission and grace to be able to recharge and nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Empowerment, connections, conversations as well as alone time for reflection and growth will be just a few experiences these retreats will forever be remembered for. I can confidently say it will leave you craving more of it for yourself.

Allow yourself access to every healing, resting, and beautiful moment these retreats offer you. You deserve it.

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